news | 03. Juni 2019
Peter Nydahl – Co-founder and spokesperson of the German Very Early Mobilization Network for ventilated patients in intensive care, visits Reactive Robotics.
On Friday, the 31st of May 2019, Peter Nydahl (on the right) came to Reactive Robotics in order to gain insights about our VEMO system.
VEMO is short for Very Early Mobilization.

VEMO will be launched in hospitals in 2019 as the first robotic assistance system used to treat critically-ill patients.
Safe mobilization directly in a verticalizable intensive care bed – support for the patient – less physical work for nurses and therapists.
Peter Nydahl
Mr. Nydahl works at the Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein Campus Kiel. He spends 25% of his time in intensive care and 75% in nursing research. He is an active trainer for education in basal stimulation, nursing expert for patients in a vegetative state, practical instructor and author.